New flue gas heat recovery steam generator in Tornio

Tornion Voima, in cooperation with Outokumpu, has made an investment decision to purchase a flue gas heat recovery unit for the cold-rolling mill at the Outokumpu factories in Tornio.

This generator will recover the waste heat from the flue gas that comes from the furnace of the cold-rolling mill and produce 5 bar of process steam for the Outokumpu steelworks. This means that the new boiler solution can replace up to 30% of the steelworks’ current steam demand.

“This is another step we are taking towards zero-emission steel production. This heat recovery steam generator is an investment in energy efficiency and will also allow us to reduce CO2 emissions in our production. Best of all, we will be able to use the waste heat in our steelworks,” says Development Manager Niko Rautio from Tornion Voima.

The investment has received 20% energy aid from Business Finland. The project is on schedule for completion in late 2022.